Frequently asked questions about Uprising 2021
Is it possible to use tickets bought for 2020 or 2021 for the year 2022?
All the tickets that you have purchased for Uprising Festival 2020 and Uprising Festival 2021 are currently being moved to next year, Uprising Festival 2022, due to pandemic situation . Uprisinček 2021 awaits us, which will be released for sale soon.
When will tickets for this year’s edition of Uprising start selling?
Tickets for this year’s Uprisinček 2021 will start selling in a few days, during the week of 21. – 27. June. Be vigilant, because current restrictions allow us to sell only 1000 tickets.
Will it be possible to apply as a volunteer for help?
We are currently not considering this. If restrictions will allow us to have more people at the festival, it could be possible.
Is it possible to return tickets?
Of course, tickets can be returned, but if we could kindly ask you, if you have such an opportunity, keep your tickets for 2022, it will help us the most. This could be decisive in such difficult times like these.
Is Uprising Winter edition planned during the winter?
At the moment, it is difficult to say what will be in the winter, so now we are mainly focusing on what happens in the summer. If the government restrictions and pandemic situation will be under control, Winter Uprising will happen.
Will there be some headlining act?
This year’s edition of Uprising will be called Uprisinček and we managed to book part of the line up for this year. We will announce these artists very soon.
Will vaccination be needed or will a negative test suffice?
The current regulations for participation in mass events are as follows:
- you need a negative test (Ag 24 hours, PCR 72 hours)
- or confirmation of vaccination (Astra Zeneca 4 weeks from first dose, Pfizer / Moderna 2 weeks from 2 doses)
- or confirmation of overcoming COVID-19 no later than 180 days ago